About The Group

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About The Group

What is Sybal Heim?

Sybal Heim is a strange living city that lies outside normal space and time, ruled by an enigmatic and peculiar being named Basileus the Organizer.  It is he who cares for the city and tends its needs, so its inhabitants may live in comfort.

Why he brings people to his realm is a mystery.  Does he simply wish to aid lost and misplaced souls?  Is he tasked by an outside force to gather people to the city?  Or do his citizens perhaps serve some unknown purpose of his own making?

What is known is that once inside, people find themselves frozen in time. They no longer age and, unless killed, are seemingly able to live for eternity.  Stranger still, they find themselves changed: by day they are a normal human, but  as night falls they take the form of a Sybal—a mysterious creature made manifest by the innermost part of their soul, each with a unique appearance and power.  Each night, the "truest" version of themselves are revealed, for better or for worse.

These Sybals can make Sybal Heim a dangerous place, but its wonders equal its dangers in turn: Lives free of aging, pestilence, and famine; Unique, mystical powers gained each night, to use as desired.  For many, the city is a haven or a paradise.  They enjoy life there and may fight to protect both the city and its master from any who wish them harm.

There are many reasons these souls favor the Organizer.  Perhaps they had nothing in life, only to find prosperity and comfort.  Perhaps they suffered sickness, but found themselves healed upon entering the city.  Perhaps they see the Organizer as a deity or a spiritual guide to paradise.  Or perhaps, more mundanely, they simply enjoy their new lives and wish to maintain peace and prosperity.  As a whole, those who would defend and favor the city and its Master are known as—

The Disciples

Others, however, hold a less rosy view of the city.  Some who came to Sybal Heim feel they paid a terrible price to do so—ripped from their loved ones, or stripped of fortune and power to become ordinary.  Others may have a Sybal they detest or fear, or a power that brings them no happiness.  Others still, might see Basileus not as a deity or benevolent spirit, but as a demon imprisoning thousands for eternity—for none to cross its borders may leave Sybal Heim.

Whatever their reason, these people rally against Basileus and his followers.  Some for power, to try and assume command of the city.  Others, simply to leave and return to their place of origin.  No matter their beliefs, these people join together under the banner of—

The Insurgents

In a city of eternity conflict between the two ideologies has bubbled slowly, but it is destined to come to a head. You must choose the side to which you belong.

How does it work?

Sybal Heim is a RPG group that aims to provide fun, but also tell a good story!  In a way, Sybal Heim is a tournament. Upon joining, you choose of two factions to side with: The Insurgents or The Disciples.  You then do story-based missions for your chosen faction to progress the group's plot in favor of your team.  

We're intended as a leisurely experience—a low stress/light commitment group without constant activity checks, frequent submissions, or regular chatroom attendance.  We, the moderators, have busy schedules and if we can't move at breakneck speed, we don't expect you to either.

The group’s main plot will move slowly enough to allow a fair chance of participation for all, with quicker, smaller events to fill the down time.  In plot events, members will create submissions to earn points for their chosen faction.  Whichever faction has more points will win that round of the competition and determine the alignment of the next plot event.

Plot events will have a variety of prompts, from infiltration and espionage, to street warfare, to survival horror, and more!  To strike a good balance between serious and fun, we will also have a good number of lighter events as well, so members can play around without worrying about the story for a little while.

Essentially, Sybal Heim will play like a choose-your-own-adventure book;  through their faction, group members will determine the wider direction in which we progress.  We, the moderators, will plan out branching directions that may be explored depending on the actions of our players.  Our main goal is to have a fun, interactive story.

Will you fight to protect your home and the people there you care for?  
Will you crumble the city walls and escape an eternal prison?

The choice is yours to make.

© 2015 - 2024 Sybal-Heim
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Demigodintraining172's avatar
Oh my goodness I would love to join in on this! This sounds like so much fun!